Secondary Science Teacher
I’m a Professional Licensed Teacher and I’ve been practicing my profession for 32 years. I graduated in 1990 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and my major field of concentration is Biology. I am married to Leonora who is a Secondary School Principal in our country and blessed with one son Stephen who is a graphic artist.
I filed for early retirement in 2018 in the Philippines and decided to move here to Cambodia and taught at New Gateway International School for one and a half years. In August 2019, I was given a great opportunity to teach here at East-West International School where I’m handling science in Middle School and Life Science in High School.
Having a positive attitude is one of the armors that I am wearing everyday as I enter the classroom because this will influence my students to do great things. I am trying my best to become an instrument where my students will truly love what they are doing and learning.